Monday, January 19, 2009

Eliminating copies, or "god this code is horrible"

I've been (slowlyish!) unwinding some of the evil horridness that exists in the src/http.c code which handles reading data from upstream servers/caches, parsing it, and throwing it into the store.

There's two annoying memory copies as I've said before - one was a copy of the incoming data into a MemBuf, used -just- to assemble the full response headers for parsing, and the other (well, other two) are for appending the data coming in from the network into the memory store, on its way to the client-side code to be sent back to the client.

Now, as I've said before, the src/http.c code isn't all that long and complicated (by far most of the logic actually happens in the forward and client-side routines; the http.c routines do very little besides pump data back into the memory store) but unfortunately enough various layers of logic are mashed together to make things uhm, "very difficult" to work on separately.

Anyway, back on track. I've mostly pulled apart the code which handles reading the reply and parsing the response headers, and I've eliminated the first copy. The data is now read directly into a MemBuf, which serves as both the incoming buffer (which gets appended to) for the reply status line + headers, _AND_ the incoming buffer for HTTP body data (which never gets appended to - it is written out to the memory store and then reset back to empty.)

So the good news now is the number one place for L2 loads, L2 stores and CPU cycles spent unhalted (as measured on my P3 667mhz celeron test box, nice and slow, to expose all those stupid inefficiencies modern CPUs try to cover up :) comes from the memcpy() from src/http.c -> { header parsing (12%), http body appending (84%) } -> storeAppend().

This means one main thing - if I can eliminate the copying from into the store, and instead read directly into variable-sized pages (which is unfortunately the bloody tricky part), which are then handed to their entirety to the memory store, that last memcpy() will be eliminated, along with hopefully a good 10 + % of CPU time on this P3.

After that, its fixing the various uses of *printf() functions in the critical path, which absolutely should be avoided. I've got some basic patches to begin replacing some of the really STUPID uses of those. I'll begin committing the really obviously easy ones to Cacheboy HEAD once I've verified they don't break anything (in particular, SNMP indexes of all things..)

Once the two above are done, which accounts for a good 15 - 20% of the current CPU use in Cacheboy (at least in my small objects, memory-cache-only test load on the above hardware), I'll absolutely stop adding any and all new changes, features, optimisations, etc, and go -straight- to "make everything stable" mode again.

There's still so much that needs doing (proper refcounted buffers and strings, comm library functions which properly implement readv() and writev() so I can do things like write out the entire request/reply using vector operations and avoid the other bits of copying which go on, lessening the load on the memory allocator by actually efficiently packing structures, rewriting the http request/reply handling in preparation for replacement HTTP client/server modules, oh and IPv6/threading!) but that will come later.

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